The official website



“Transforming World by Transforming Individuals”

 “A Vision Spreading Across Depths of Ocean to Heights of Mountains”



                                                   Terms & Conditions


Painters/ Sculptors/ Collectors who want to showcase their talent and creativity through their paintings and sculptures before H.H and international gathering of audiences are welcomed to send their Exhibition request of Paintings / Sculptures / Collections to “OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION OF H.H. THE GAURAV NARAYAN”.

In exhibition the Painters/ Sculptures/ Collectors will be able to showcase their works and also sell their paintings or sculptures at the spot to the International audiences present.

All such Painters/ Sculptures/ Collectors have to first send the pictures of their paintings or sculptures and other details to OFFICE OF AMDMINISTRATION through the online request form called as "Exhibition Request Form".

This exhibition opportunity is a perfect platform to take your works across the seven seas. You can also sell your painting and sculptures at the spot to the buyers who will comprise from many countries of the world.

When filling the "Exhibition Request Form" Upload Scanned copy of the images of the paintings or sculptures; if you have hard copy photographs. If you have digital images then you can directly upload the images. Painters/ Sculptors/ Collectors have to take the picture of their painting or the sculptures and then upload it in the “Exhibition Request Form”. Painters/ Sculptures/ Collectors must have images of their paintings or Sculptures that are intended for exhibiting before H.H. and International gathering of audiences and that has to be sent previously to the "OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION OF H.H. THE GAURAV NARAYAN" for preview by filling the  "Exhibition Request Form".

Minimum images for submitting in the 'Exhibition Request Form" are "Twenty" at Submission fees 100 per image.

If you have digital photographs then you can directly upload it in the “Exhibition Request Form” or if you have hard copy pictures then you can scan the images and then upload it in the "Exhibition Request Form".

After duly filling the "Exhibition Request Form" and submitting it online please deposit the amount of 2000 rupees in words "Two Thousand Rupees"  in the bank as submission fees of the “Exhibition Request Form” in


Account Name        : INCALESCO

Account Number    : 07342020001945

Bank Name             : HDFC Bank

Bank Address          : Chouhan Estate, G.E Road, SUPELA

City                           : Bhilai  490029

 State                        : CHATTISGARH


After submitting the submission fees in bank don’t forget to fill the “Payment Proof form” (Payment proof form link has been provided in the contact pa. In "Payment Proof Form" you will have to upload the scanned copy of the deposit slip and you’re your Exhibition Request Form Number which you will get after submitting the "Exhibition Request Form". Without filling and submitting the "Payment Proof Form" your submissions will not be considered for Exhibition.

Once the duly filled "Exhibition Request Form" along with the necessary submission fees is submitted in the bank account details porvided and then the Payment Proof Form is submitted your “Exhibition Request Form” will be screened by the "OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION OF H.H. THE GAURAV NARAYAN".

Please note that the note that after submitting the submitting the “Exhibition Request Form” the submitters should deposit the Exhibition Request Form fees of two thousand rupees in the bank within four days 4 days from the date of submitting the exhibition request form. Please note that these four days 4 days include the day on which the form has been sent to us and it also includes any Sundays or holidays. If the payment of exhibition request form is not deposited within the necessary time period your exhibition request form will be rejected.

After filling the "Exhibition Request Form" and submitting it online you will get "Exhibition Request Form Number" the submitters are requested to note down or save this number for further reference.

The submissions fees for the Exhibition Request Form irrespective of whether the painter/ sculptor/ collector gets accpeted or rejected by the "OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION OF H.H. OF THE GAURAV NARAYAN" will not be returned back.

All the submitted pictures through "Exhibition Request Form" will be reviewed by the "OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION".

All the Painters/ Sculptors/ Collectors who will be filling the "Exhibition Request Form" will need to upload the scanned copy of the any one government issued Id like driving license/ passport/ pan card/ voter Id/ etc. So all the Painters/ Sculptures/ collectors are advised to keep their scanned copy of any one government Id ready before filling the "Exhibition Request Form".


If out of twenty images submitted through the "Exhibition Request Form" two or three images of paintings or sculptures are found inappropriate by the authority then the artist or collector will be notified by the email and will be asked to submit another images substituted for the rejected works. If in the next chance also the images of the works of a Painter/ Sculptor/ Collector are found inappropriate then such artists and collectors will not be called again for making any substitution submissions and will not be considered for exhibition of their works. 

In a day Exhibition at the most of two  Painters/ Sculptors/ Collectors will be allowed before H.H. and International gathering of audiences.

Only those paintings and sculptures that will be selected through ected through “Exhibition Request Form” will be allowed by the OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION for showcasing in exhibition. The paintings and sculptures that have not been approved by the OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION previously will not be allowed for exhibition before H.H. and International gathering of audiences.

Exhibition fees for Twenty paintings or Twenty Sculptures is "Nine Thousand Rupees".

All such Painters/ Sculptors/ Collectors who have been finalzed to exhibit by the "OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION OF H.H. THE GAURAV NARAYAN" have to make their own arrangements to bring the paintings and sculptures from their place to the place of exhibition.

The amount of Exhibition fees that is "Nine Thousand Rupees" will have to be paid by the Painter/ Sculptor/ Collector after his or her works or collection gets finalized for exhibition by the "OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION OF H.H. THE GAURAV NARAYAN" and other confirmation of the date and place of the Exhibition. If the artists confirm the date and place then he or she will asked to deposit the "Exhibition Amount" of "Nine Thousand" in the bank.